Public Sub Command1_Click() Dim imeFile As String imeFile = App.Path & "\matrica.bin" Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim z as Integer Dim matrica() As String Dim junkInt As Integer'ovo je broj i vjerojatno pokazuje velicinu sljedeceg podatka 'moramo ga ucitati ali nam nije bitan Open file For Binary Access Read Shared As #1 Get #1, , junkInt Get #1, , x Get #1, , junkInt Get #1, , y Get #1, ,junkInt Get #1, ,z ReDim matrica(1 To x, 1 To y, 1 To z) Get #1, , matrica() Close #1 ' mozemo provjeriti velicinu matrice MsgBox UBound(matrica, 1) & vbNewLine & UBound(matrica, 2) & vbNewLine & UBound(matrica, 3) 'ispis matrice Dim f as integer Dim e as Integer Dim g as Integer For f = 1 To x For e = 1 To y for g=1 to z debug.print matrica(f,e,g) next g next e next f End Sub