Public Function GT(Podatok, Optional DelBroj As Integer = 1) Dim RedPod As String Dim BrojVar As Integer Dim ArrPodaci Dim Arr() As String Dim I As Integer If IsNull(ArrPodaci) Or ArrPodaci = "" Then GT = " " ' Exit Function Else RedPod = Podatok ' "+CRLP: 61,61,78,6" Vrati_Podatak RedPod, BrojVar, ArrPodaci Arr = Split(ArrPodaci, ",") 'For I = 0 To BrojVar GT = Arr(DelBroj) 'Next I End If End Function Function GN(Value) As String Dim Index As Long Dim Final As String If IsNull(Value) Or Value = "" Then GN = " " Exit Function Else For Index = 1 To Len(Value) If Mid(Value, Index, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then Final = Final & Mid(Value, Index, 1) End If Next GN = Final End If End Function