Prikazi cijelu temu 23.01.2015 15:33
Dado Van mreze
Registrovan od:27.10.2011

Predmet:Re: Baza za evidenciju korisnika
Evo sada radi pretraga i za opštine.
Znaci li ti sta sljedece:
Function glrQBF_DoHide(frm As Form)
Dim varSQL As Variant
Dim strParentForm As String

'Get the name of the Parent form
strParentForm = Left(CStr(frm.Name), Len(CStr(frm.Name)) - 4)
'Create the approprite Where clause based on the fields with data in them
varSQL = glrDoQBF(CStr(frm.Name), False)
'Open the Parent form filtered with the Where clause genereated above
DoCmd.OpenForm strParentForm, acNormal, , varSQL
'Make this *_QBF form invisible
frm.Visible = False

End Function