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iCentar » Racunari i oprema » Programirannje i baze podataka » MySQL » MySql upute za start
kenan 31.05.2015 19:02
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

ip adresa bez kosih linija


neče trebali na serveru otvoriti neku putanju ili neÅ¡to

Gjoreski 31.05.2015 19:05
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

ne te razbiram sto sakas da me prasas?
za kakva vrsta konekcija se raboti ADO , DAO , ODBC?

Gjoreski 31.05.2015 19:08
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

eve sto jas koristam.
Ova e ADO
PreuzmiIzvorni kôd (MySQL):
  1.    ' My SQL server
  2.     cn.ConnectionString = "Driver={Mysql ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server=" & "" & _
  3.                           ";port=3306; database=" & "test" & _
  4.                           "; user=" & "root" & _
  5.                           "; password=" & "admin" & "; option=3;"
  6.     '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

freeman 08.02.2016 11:08
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

Pozdrav svima.
Slijedio sam vrlo detaljne upute koje ste priložili u ovom postu,međutim stalno mi se pojavljuje greÅ¡ka kod spajanja.Koristim windows 7 profesional 32bit.Ms office 2007.Imam bazu koju bi htio staviti na MySQL server.Ako je moguće neka pomoć.Komp mi je spojen na mrežu preko WIFI-ja.U prilogu opis greÅ¡ke.
greška.jpg (Velicina datoteke:254.57 KB)

Gjoreski 12.02.2016 23:57
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

Problem ti je u firewall od kompjuterot.Probaj iskluci go.
Ako se ne snadzes pisi da vidimo neka druga varijanta

freeman 27.02.2016 15:52
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

Da isključio sam vatrozid i spojio sam se iz drugog pokuÅ¡aja.Prvi put mi je opet izbacilo greÅ¡ku ali nakkon Å¡to sam stisnuo retry spojio se.Å ta dalje slijedi.Koji su daljnji koraci za spajanje moje access data baze?
Ispričavam se zbog poduže odsutnosti.Nisam se stigao ranije uključiti.Pozdrav.

Gjoreski 27.02.2016 22:57
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

Nisam u toku dokle si stigo sa aplikacija,dali si napravio baza , neke forme ili bilo sta.
Daj malo detalnije sta radis jel ovako nismo carobnjaci da znamo sta ti mislis ili sta radis.

Avko 21.04.2016 09:07
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

Citiraj Gjoreski:
MySQL Utilities (GPL)

Ova e dobra alatka golem del jas rabotam so nea retko koristam nesto drugo

Avko 18.04.2016 09:29
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

evo sada za mene, ako moze?
sta cu od ponudenog skinuti? 1-12, koji broj?
Napravio bi jednostavnu bazu na web stranici, bez onoga da ti kod kuce mora raditi kompjutor 24 sata, znaci web stranica + mysql na njihovom serveru

1. MySQL Community Server (GPL)
(Current Generally Available Release: 5.7.12)
MySQL Community Server is the world's most popular open source database.

2. MySQL Cluster (GPL)
(Current Generally Available Release: 7.4.10)
MySQL Cluster is a real-time, open source transactional database.

3. MySQL Fabric (GPL)
MySQL Fabric provides a framework for managing High Availability and Sharding.

4. MySQL Router (GPL)
(Current Generally Available Release: 2.0.3)
MySQL Router is lightweight middleware that provides transparent routing between your application and any backend MySQL Servers.

5. MySQL Utilities (GPL)
(Current Generally Available Release: 1.5.6)
MySQL Utilities provides a collection of command-line utilities for maintaining and administering MySQL servers.

6. New! MySQL Shell (GPL)
(Current Development Release: 1.0.3)
The MySQL Shell is an interactive Javascript, Python, or SQL interface supporting development and administration for the MySQL Server and is a component of the MySQL Server.

7. MySQL Workbench (GPL)
(Current Generally Available Release: 6.3.6)
MySQL Workbench is a next-generation visual database design application that can be used to efficiently design, manage and document database schemata. It is available as both, open source and commercial editions.

8. MySQL Connectors
MySQL offers standard database driver connectivity for using MySQL with applications and tools that are compatible with industry standards ODBC and JDBC.

9. MySQL on Windows (Installer & Tools)
(Current Generally Available Release: 5.7.12)
MySQL provides you with a suite of tools for developing and managing MySQL-based business critical applications on Windows.

10. MySQL Yum Repository
MySQL provides a YUM software repository to simplify installing and updating MySQL products on a variety of Linux operating systems.

11. MySQL APT Repository
MySQL provides an APT-style software repository for installing the MySQL server, client, and other components on a variety of Linux operating systems.

12. MySQL SUSE Repository
The MySQL repository for SUSE Linux provides a simple and convenient way to install and update MySQL products with the latest software packages using the Zypper package management tool.

Gjoreski 19.04.2016 17:34
Predmet:Re: MySql upute za start

MySQL Utilities (GPL)

Ova e dobra alatka golem del jas rabotam so nea retko koristam nesto drugo