Prikazi cijelu temu 30.03.2017 11:12
Avko Van mreze
Registrovan od:28.05.2014

Predmet:Re: RAD FORUMA - greske i zastoji u radu
Evo imao nekih problema kod logiranja izmedu 10:40 i 11:10

poruka 1, kod unosa

Could not connect to remote server
You tried to access the address, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
  • Make sure your internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same connection are working.

    Check that the setup of any internet security software is correct and does not interfere with ordinary web browsing.

    If you are behind a firewall on a Local Area Network and think this may be causing problems, talk to your systems administrator.

    Try pressing the F12 key on your keyboard and disabling proxy servers, unless you know that you are required to use a proxy to connect to the internet. Reload the page.

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poruka 2, kod logiranja:

Request Timeout
This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase 'Connection Timeout'.

Trenutno aktivni korisnici: 34 [3 Korisnik(a), 27 Gost(iju) and 4 Pretrazivac(a)]
Aktivni članovi: Avko, dsijan2007, zxz
Postova 25,200 Tema 3,910 clanova 1,441
Pozdrav naĊĦem najnovijem clanu, dsijan2007.

Prisutni zadnja 24 sata: 13
Danasnji posjetioci:
Avko, biromega, Bosanec, Dado, dsijan2007, freeman, Getsbi, Grunf, misicd, MOZEBITIPONOVO, Paradiso, solomon72, zxz

Mozda je problem sto UK izlazi iz EU "Brexit" , a nasi su serveri smjesteni u UK.
Hoce li se sada cariniti internet promet?
zivot je moja domovina.