Centar za edukaciju-BiH

#11 12.01.2018 10:44
nevsad Van mreze
Registrovan od:01.09.2010

Predmet:Re: Povečanje forme na cijeli ekran
kad probam kompajlirati gornji kod
vrati me na Me.cmdClose.left
Microsoft Visual Basic
Compile error:

Invalid use of Me keyword
OK Help
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#12 12.01.2018 10:55
zxz Van mreze
Registrovan od:03.02.2009

Predmet:Re: Povečanje forme na cijeli ekran
Ja neznam na koji kod mislis.
Daj link na taj kod ili opisi gdje se nalazi.
Podrska samo putem foruma, jer samo tako i ostali imaju koristi od toga.
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#13 12.01.2018 12:50
nevsad Van mreze
Registrovan od:01.09.2010

Predmet:Re: Povečanje forme na cijeli ekran
to je kod od Gjoreskog
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
Const conMargin As Long = 300
Dim intOrgWidth As Integer

Painting = False

If InsideHeight < 4515 Then InsideHeight = 4515: Exit Sub
If InsideWidth < 6975 Then InsideWidth = 6975: Exit Sub
intOrgWidth = frmKasa_Stavkai_Subform.Width

Vraboten.Left = InsideWidth - Vraboten.Width - 220
Me.cmdClose.Left = InsideWidth - Me.cmdClose.Left - 220
labVraboten.Left = InsideWidth - (Vraboten.Width * 1.5) - 220
cboBrDok.Left = InsideWidth - cboBrDok.Width - 220
labNajdi.Left = InsideWidth - (cboBrDok.Width * 2.5)
txtVkupno.Width = InsideWidth - conMargin * 20
frmKasa_Stavkai_Subform.Left = conMargin
frmKasa_Stavkai_Subform.Width = InsideWidth - conMargin * 2
frmKasa_Stavkai_Subform.Height = InsideHeight - Section(acHeader).Height - _
Section(acFooter).Height - frmKasa_Stavkai_Subform.Top - conMargin

Painting = True
End Sub

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#14 12.01.2018 17:54
Gjoreski Van mreze
Registrovan od:02.02.2009

Predmet:Re: Povečanje forme na cijeli ekran
Imas li ovakav command na formi.
Ako ga nemas onda normalno da daje greska.
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